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Helen Mayo House
Artist-In-Residence Program

Hackham West

Lullaby Project Artists, Hilary Kleinig and Naomi Keyte​

Helen Mayo House

September-October 2021


In connection with the Women's and Children's Hospital Foundation and SA Health's Helen Mayo House, a brand new artist-in-residency Lullaby Project model took place across a six week period. Families accessing support through Helen Mayo House were invited to collaborate with two Lullaby Artists to create their own unique song for their child, as well as contribute to the creation of a bespoke Helen Mayo House lullaby - a gift to all families into the future. 


"The Lullaby Project increases participants’ social and personal development, promotes parent-child connection, offers skill development including increasing parent confidence in singing to and soothing themselves and their babies. It supports and enables parents to express feelings for their children in an authentic and beautiful way. Participants learn that they can be creative, make music, and express their feelings. It can impact self-esteem and learning, and can enable children and families to be confident in self-expression and participation in the arts. 


The opportunity to record the lullaby gives the family something unique and tangible which they keep as their own work of art; evidence of their creativity and artistry and the gift of a parent to their child or children. I believe this work is a really valuable way to support families, and the communities in which they live.


For the community the Lullaby Project connects people and promotes positive mental health through shared experience of learning, meaning-making and the creation of art."


Libby Druce

Mental Health Clinician


"Toby's Lullaby" performed live at Carnegie Hall

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Composed by Belinda Wahry with Naomi Keyte, presented at the 10 Year Lullaby Project Celebration in New York on June 4 2022



"I wrote this lullaby to honour my son, Tobias and the special connection between mother and child. That special bond and trust built through hugs, kisses and smiles. I will always remember that desire to keep him safe and keep him close to me. I had always thought that becoming a Mother just happened, that we innately held all the skills we would ever need inside of us. Then after the birth of  Tobias, after many  sleepless nights, floods of tears and gnawing doubt, I realized that I too was growing and learning.


I was becoming a Mother.


I would like to extend my humblest gratitude to the Lullaby Project team, the beautiful musicians and Naomi who has given life to my words. Music for me was the lighthouse shining bright through the storm, it was the hand reaching out in that total, bleak darkness. It helped me to love myself, as a person and as a  Mother, to reconnect with and experience the love for my child that was almost stolen by Post Natal Depression. I feel so blessed to have been able to become a part of this amazing project. I will never forget the Lullaby Project." Belinda, 2022

Watch Toby's Lullaby from 58min

Our Sponsors

This project is delivered is delivered with the support of 

Arts South Australia  | Women's and Children's Hospital Foundation | Helen Mayo House


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